Session Chair Guidelines

Thank you for accepting the appointment to be a session chair at the 10th International Scholars’ Conference. Below are the guidelines to help you as you do the chairing process. Please be reminded that sessions must start and finish on time to keep the order of the program of the conference.

Before the Session

  • Review the abstracts which are available on the conference website [INSERT ABSTRACTS LINK].
  • Review each speaker’s biography (also available on the conference website). You will use this information to introduce the speakers for your session. Limit the introduction to a maximum of 1 minute.
  • Be at your room assignment at least 5 minutes prior to the commencement of your session.
  • Check the projectors and laptops to be used for the presentation. Each room is equipped with these devices.
  • Remember that presentations loaded from the website portal will be used during the presentation. No USB drive shall be inserted in the laptops provided. The use of personal laptops is discouraged as its preparation may use up some time. If in case a PowerPoint presentation was not uploaded on the portal, the presenter will still be allowed to present. However, he is expected to provide his own handouts for the audience.
  • Advise the presenters that time will be strictly monitored (The secretariat will be providing you with flashcards that will serve as the warning for presenters). Presentation time is 12 minutes and question and answer period is 3 minutes.

During the Session

  • Begin the session with a short prayer.
  • Introduce the presenter using their biography. Include the title of the presentation as well as their affiliation.
  • Monitor the time. Give the last 2-minute warning by raising the flash card provided.
  • End the presentation after 12 minutes.
  • Start the question and answer period of the presentation. This should last for 3 minutes only.
  • (OPTIONAL: Start the question and answer portion after all presentations are over. Kindly request all the presenters to sit in front. For this format the total number of minutes allotted for question and answer will depend on the number of presenters multiplied by 3 minutes.)
  • Remind the audience to treat each presenter with respect. Questions that seem to humiliate the presenter must be stopped.
  • Inform the audience that presentations will be evaluated by their respective affiliations therefore it is discouraged to give suggestions or comments that seek to revise the current research presented.