Oral Presentation Guidelines

General Information

⦁ The Oral Presentation is divided into two parts. The first part is the 12-minute oral presentation, while the second part is the question and answer period which is limited to 3 minutes only.
⦁ Session chairs are instructed to terminate oral presentations which exceed their allotted time. They must ensure that each speaker stays within the agreed-upon time limit–for both the presentation itself and the question and answer period.
⦁ Multiple presenters for a single presentation will be allowed to present. However, the time allotted must be split among the presenters.

PowerPoint Presentation General Guidelines

1. All presentations must utilize the approved [template] for the 10ISC. 
2. All presentations must be uploaded on the official web portal of the ISC to reduce downtime that may be incurred due to technical problems and to ease the transition between presenters.
3. Presentations must be uploaded via the official web portal of the ISC no later than 11:59 p.m. Philippine Time on Monday, 15 October 2023. (Presenters who will not be able to meet the deadline will need to present by using handouts and be prepared not to use the provided equipment to present.)
4. If you will be unable to upload the presentation due to technicalities, feel free to email or contact the secretariat at [INSERT SECRETARIAT EMAIL] to make arrangements for the upload of your presentation.
5. Changes to presentations will NOT BE ACCOMMODATED once the deadline has passed. Changes to the presentation will NOT BE ALLOWED on-site.

 Use of the PowerPoint Presentation Guidelines

1. Any slang terms or acronyms your audience might not be familiar with should be explained or defined.
2. PowerPoint slides should not have more than seven lines of information.
3. You are given 12 minutes for your presentation. Be cautious of your allotted time.
4. Information on the slide should be spaced evenly.
5. The provided template should be used for your presentation. (If you have not received a copy of the template, feel free to email the 10ISC secretariat at 10isc@aup.edu.ph.)
6. Consistent fonts should be maintained all throughout the slides. Avoid using no more than two fonts on one slide.
7. Professional traditional bullets (i.e., circles or squares) should be used instead of ‘fun’ or ‘fancy’ bullets.
8. Background and font color must be easy to read at a distance.
9. The font should be easy to read and should not be smaller than 24-point.
10. Headers should have the same font and font size throughout the presentation.
11. The body of the slides should be in the same font and font size throughout the presentation.
12. The use of animations should be limited. If you will use animations, be sure that they are timed, and transitions do not occur on the click.

Speaker Guidelines
1. Speak slower than usual and use simpler/smaller words and simpler/shorter sentences. Your audience is multinational and some do not have mastery of the English language. Long, compound sentences will confuse the audience.
2. Minimize the use of acronyms or internal lingo and jargon unless previously described/explained.
3. Do not tell jokes! Feel free to use humor, but not too much of that.
4. Avoid using graphics or photos on your PowerPoint presentation that may be nation-centric or that could be offensive to other cultures. Keep it simple!
5. Remember that your PowerPoint slides should only serve as an aid to your presentation with a limited number of words. Do not read your presentation.